UZIN NC 112 Turbo Rapid gypsum levelling compound

Self smoothing, highly stressable and rapid compound for all floor coverings and wood flooring for thicknesses from 0 to 30 mm

  • superior flow characteristics
  • quick drying, ready to accept floor coverings after 6 hours*
  • very low tension
  • very high strength

Oblast použití

Main application area:

  • smoothing and levelling of substrates for the subsequent installation of textile and resilient floor coverings, wood flooring and ceramics / natural stone coverings. Especially suitable for weak, old and mixed substrates in combination with a very early readiness for covering.
*At 20 °C and 65% relative humidity with max. thickness of 5 mm. See "Ready for covering".

paper bag, Big Bag

Pack size

25 kg, 1000 kg (on request)

Shelf life

min. 6 months

Water quantity

4.5 - 5 litres per 25 kg bag




approx. 1.7 kg/m²/mm thickness

Ideal application temperature

15 °C - 25 °C

Working time

15 - 20 minutes*

Ready for foot traffic

after approx. 1 - 2 hours*

Ready for covering

after approx. 6 hours*

Minimum application temperature

10 °C at ground level

Flow spread ring

approx. 155 mm ± 5 mm

Fire reaction

A1fl according to DIN EN 13 501-1

Blauer_Engel + Kurzlink uz113_GB_Label

Kladečské systémy pro potěry, podlahy a parkety

Stroje a speciální nářadí pro přípravu podkladu a pokládku podlahovin

Kompletní sortiment pro novou pokládku, renovaci a údržbu parketových podlah

Pryskyřičné podlahy s vášní pro design

Kladečské systémy pro obklady a přírodní kámen

Profi nářadí pro stěnu a podlahu