KNOWLEDGE OVERVIEW Succeeding through extensive expertise

A floor is worth more than its surface. It must always be considered as a flooring construction in its entirety, in which the individual layers must be perfectly calibrated to each other. A successful flooring construction therefore consists not only of first-class products, but also a good amount of expertise.

Along with technical questions, legal questions and topics about worker safety and environmental protection are part of daily business.



Here you’ll find important information about topics such as substrates, screed, and floor constructions, and you’ll receive important tips and answers about our products.

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Quality seal and label


Labelling, certificates, and permits for installation materials are increasingly under discussion. These are also identified by container imprints from the manufacturers.
Learn more here about the significance or source of this symbol.

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Regulations on chemical legislation


Chemical products that contain hazardous components are labelled with hazard warnings and safety measures, as well as the accompanying pictograms. You can look up the ordinance on hazardous substances here.

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UZIN technické poradenství

Semináře & výstavy

Kladečské systémy pro potěry, podlahy a parkety

Stroje a speciální nářadí pro přípravu podkladu a pokládku podlahovin

Kompletní sortiment pro novou pokládku, renovaci a údržbu parketových podlah

Pryskyřičné podlahy s vášní pro design

Kladečské systémy pro obklady a přírodní kámen

Profi nářadí pro stěnu a podlahu